About Us Page
Our History
In spite of a worldwide, growing awareness of Zeolite’s detoxifying power, and after twenty years of experiencing the benefits of taking Zeolite in our private lives, we concluded with sadness that many of our friends and acquaintances still knew very little about this potent detox mineral. We therefore decided to launch Zeorise so that a lot more people can experience for themselves just how much zeolite enhances their health. We are confident that you will also experience the detoxifying power of Zeolite.
Our best wishes,
Cyril & Dario

Cyril Wohrer and Dario Bujas are friends since the 1990s’ Cyril was born in Los Angeles. He has a B.A from the University of California and a Masters from Oxford University. Dario is from Croatia. A businessman since thirty years, he is active in the health and food supplement industry.

Dr. Mirsad Sadiković
“Our VAM technology is the only technology that enables
natural zeolite to detoxify at the cellular level.”
Dr. Mirsad Sadiković is a doctor of biomedicine. He received his Ph.D in bio molecular chemistry from the University of Zagreb (Croatia). He has been researching the benefits of zeolite for the past thirty-five years. As the co-founder of Croatia’s three most famous companies that specialize in zeolite based products (Megamin, TMAZ7), he currently owns the largest zeolite processing factory in Croatia. Dr. Sadikovic is the genius behind our VAM technology, which—he claims with confidence—is the only technology on the market today that enables natural zeolite to detoxify not only in the gastro-intestinal tract, but, most significantly, at the cellular level.

Mirko S. Maksimović B.Sc.
“Zeolite is more important for the body than vitamins are.”
Educated with a Masters in Mining Sciences from the department of Geology at the University of Belgrade (Serbia), Mr. Maksimovic is the former general secretary of S.I.T, the largest union of mining engineers in Serbia. Over the span of his career, he directed many large projects in transnational companies such as Shapir (Israel), Energoprojekt (Peru), and Jdn.Neuhaus (Germany). An author of two books and thirty-six peer-reviewed articles, Mr. Maksimovic is the current president of the wing for zeolite and non-metallic mineral exploration/production at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He is in charge of quality control, making sure that every jar of our zeolite is of the same, highest quality.